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Tattoo Removal: Services
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Laser Tattoo Removal

Quick & Effective

Our certified medical grade laser allows us to work quick as well as achieve optimum results with every treatment.

Treat Most colours

We can treat coloured tattoos with our specialist Q-switched ND Yag laser

What is Laser Tattoo Removal?

Everything you need to know.

Laser tattoo removal is a safe and effective solution to remove old or embarrassing tattoos or unwanted cosmetic tattoos.  Using our specialised laser means that we can remove all colours as the laser beam will only target the ink pigments of the tattoo and shatter them, breaking them down into smaller molecules so the body can naturally disperse of them, this will cause the tattoo to fade and eventually disappear. Laser tattoo removal comes with zero downtime which means you can continue with your day as normal.

Does it hurt?

Laser tattoo removal can be uncomfortable but should never be unbearable.  It can feel like a hot elastic band flicking against your skin or like hot pin pricks.  To help ease any discomfort you can use a numbing cream prior to treatment to numb the area and ease discomfort.

Is it suitable for me?

Laser tattoo removal isn't for everyone.  People with darker skin tones may find that where their tattoo was removed from, the area of skin has become lighter, this is called 'ghosting'. Prior to your treatments you will require a patch test as it is our legal obligation to ensure you do not react in an adverse way to the laser treatment. SkinFix offers free consultations to establish if laser tattoo removal is right for you.

How many treatments will I need?

This is variable from client to client but we recommend on average 8 - 12 sessions, this will also depend on the size, colour and depth of the tattoo.

Important treatment information.

Prior to any tattoo removal we advise to shave the area so that the laser can specifically target the tattoo ink pigment.  Make sure the area is clean, free from hair, the skin is healthy and moisturiser free.  It is very important to keep the treatment area out of the sun and avoid fake tanning products at least 4 weeks prior to treatment and whilst undergoing removal, using SPF 30+ where possible.  Post treatment you will need to carry on using SPF 30+ and use a 100% natural moisturising balm like Balmonds Lavender Balm to aid a quicker and healthier outcome.

Tattoo Removal: About
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